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 Freemasonry > Journey Great Work The Journey through the Great Work /2.4 by (4079 reads) | The constitution of the Lesser language and the Greater language in the esoteric Commentaries – Recognition of the inner Hierarchy.
In their exoteric version the Commentaries contain images-inhabitants-interpreters with totally anthropomorphic traits, qualities, characteristics, appearances and customs, identical to the low quality human model that, on the contrary, should have inspired higher goals.
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Esotericism_Reading > Esoteric_education New Era by (3816 reads) | We have entered the 3rd Millennium accompanied by very meaningful signals; one of them involves the spreading of the initiatory education.
The method of service of the new era, which is always directed to the benefit of the humankind, remains focused on the Restoration of the Ancient Mysteries.
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Question&Answer > From magnetic attraction to the moment of "making one's own choice" by (3837 reads) | In a recent session I attended, it has been given considerable credit to the idea that curiosity is the spark that drives a person to embark on the masonic journey. After careful consideration I completely disagree with this concept. I think curiosity is rather a consequence of much deeper factors than the prime cause.
But which are the motives that lead to choose the journey of Freemasonry first and then stay on it or leave it?
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Freemasonry > Imago_Templi Imago Templi /6.16 by (4400 reads) | 666 The number of the Matter
The Number Six is the number of the material counterpart that represents the Spiritual essence in the three Planes of existence. Therefore 6-6-6.
The lowest material counterpart in man is his Astral Body, with its instincts and passions.
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Alchemy > Esoteric_Astrology The constellations of the zodiac in alchemy /5 by (6111 reads) | Capricorn – Aquarius - Pisces
Capricorn is the symbol of the ultimate goal to which everything aims, of the top craved by the climber and the ambitious man; the symbol of the abyss at the base of which all that tends towards the bottom accumulates.
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Question&Answer > The impotence of virtual initiations by (3840 reads) | Initiatory associations, with their instruments, aim at highlighting and reminding us of all this, accelerating our evolutionary process. If it was not so, all initiatory organizations between East and West would not make any sense ...
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Freemasonry > Imago_Templi Imago Templi / 6.15 by (4765 reads) | The Number Five, symbol of the Kingdoms of Man.
The number Five is the expression of the Kingdom of Man in all its attributes. Therefore it is the expression of the microcosmic Universe contained in the essence itself of the earthly Adam.
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Question&Answer >
Use_of_languages Eminent scholars...between deduced experience and real knowledge by (4419 reads) | I wonder how come the eminent scholars of the matter don’t intervene. Perhaps because they need an audience and if that’s not there they prefer to keep quiet? Once I was told that you need to give before receiving... What would prevent the creation of a list where we are called by invitation? What do you think?
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Use_of_languages) |
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