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 Alchemy_of_Fire > From knowledge to mental liberation, stage 6 by (2953 reads) | It is said that inner progress is a very hard discipline, an elitist path. This is true; otherwise Initiates would crowd roads, temples and markets. They don’t, therefore, to say it with a metaphor, the ascent of the initiatory mountain is not easy.
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Alchemy_of_Fire > Sexual Alchemy by (6415 reads) | Sexual power and mental power are different results of the same energy. The difference is given by its use. To concentrate the strength on a particular function (activity of sex or thought) means to reduce the action of the other. For this reason the process of transformation is based on the arrangement of the strengths, where balance is very important. We know methods for strengthening sexual or mental activities and we can resume them in the sentence: “transfers of energy”. The ability to move energy is the heart of the system; once this is clear, everything comes as a consequence.
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Alchemy_of_Fire > Spiritual_Alchemy Spiritual Alchemy – Part 7 by (3735 reads) | The technique of Prayer - The Time of the Work - Appendix
The precision of the Prayer is very important for the purpose of the Great Inner Work; every quietist doctrine is an error of method. The Inner Way of the Incognito Philosopher appears to be quietist only in its general aspects, never in its practical and operating applications.
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Alchemy_of_Fire > Spiritual_Alchemy Spiritual Alchemy – Part 6 by (3614 reads) | The Fire of Philosophers: Prayer - Universal reintegration - V.I.T.R.I.O.L.
In the non-regenerated man the sense of divinity is mainly expressed through the religious emotion and rites, ceremonies and sacrifices. It is his highest expression of Prayer, which necessarily accompanies the whole.
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Alchemy_of_Fire > Spiritual_Alchemy Spiritual Alchemy - Part 5 by (3638 reads) | The Elements of the Great Work
The Land of Philosophers: Prudence - The Water of Philosophers: Temperance - The Air of Philosophers: Justice - The Salt Principle: Charity - The Mercury Principle: Hope - The Sulfur Principle: Faith - The Silver of Wise men: Intelligence - The Gold of Wise men: Wisdom
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Alchemy_of_Fire > Spiritual_Alchemy Spiritual Alchemy – Part 4 by (3548 reads) | The Seven Capital Sins - The two spiritual Crystallizations - The Philosophical Vitriol
In the Hebrew Cabbala it is said that the Tree of Life corresponds, in the manifested world, to a Small Tree of Life called “Kallah”, the Bride. Reversed and in opposition with it there is “Qliphah”, the Prostitute of the Small Tree of Death. On the Tree of Life the Sephiroths, or spheres of evolutional manifestation, blossom and irradiate. The Qlippoth, or spheres of involutional manifestation, blossom and irradiate on the Tree of Death. Also in the Christian Tradition the Seven Virtues are opposed by the Seven Sins.
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Alchemy_of_Fire > From knowledge to mental liberation, stage 5 by (3188 reads) | For a long time man is a social animal; he is prone to submissiveness and he wishes to please the other elements of his group. This helps the assimilation of cultural, social and ideological models without the beneficial filter of critical analysis.
Conditioning and conformism derive from the habit to imitate the principles of the group, in order to be accepted by the social crowd.
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Alchemy_of_Fire > From knowledge to mental liberation, stage 4 by (3112 reads) | Inner progress is determined by a series of identifications (I am this, I do this). The ability to distinguish them accelerates the process of growth; expressing many of them increases the chances to expand one’s conscience. Identifications develop around states of conscience which, once reached, must not be considered as the goal but rather the starting point for growth. The result of a growth shouldn’t be considered as fully satisfying, but a push to grow even more.
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Alchemy_of_Fire > From knowledge to mental liberation, stage 3 by (3345 reads) | It is important to master languages because they are the means used to express thoughts. They must be considered as a living expression of man. Man’s identity, as we said before, is not in the body but in his thoughts and it is expressed through words or codes, symbols, artistic deeds, conventions or praxis.
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Alchemy_of_Fire > From knowledge to mental liberation, stage 2 by (3315 reads) | «Know Thyself» was the warning written at the entrance of the Temple of Delphi. This is still a fundamentally important idea. The knowledge of ourselves starts with understanding what we think, what we think about ourselves and why.
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