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------| Inconsistency of virtual initiations || Imago Templi / 6.20 || The Journey through the Great Work /3.2 || The Journey through the Great Work /3.1 || Anamnesis of the inner reawakening || Imago Templi / 6.19 || Imago Templi / 6.18 || Carry the Teaching to the crossroad! || The Warrior unchanged in joy and in suffering |------
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Freemasonry > Imago_Templi Imago Templi /5.5
by (3026 reads)
FreemasonryThis reading method is useful for the Eastern thought as well as for the Western one. Beyond their forms of expression and languages, certainly very different, what the Initiates intended to pass on to those peoples using those languages was identical in their purposes and substance.

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Freemasonry > Imago_Templi Imago Templi/ Book 5 - IV part
by (3595 reads)
FreemasonryThe qualities of the Logoi in the Menorah (Part 2) – The Four Keys for the interpretation of the Humankind / Method – The Four Castes in the Esoteric System and the Initiatory Rule

Continuing in our journey we find the qualities of the Planets and how they manifest themselves.
The first manifestation, from the point of view of the individual – which is an inverted version of the real aspect – is made of the Aspects that manifest themselves more visibly in man and that he can recognize around himself. Indeed, man is the unconscious cause of many effects in the five Kingdoms of Nature that surround him.

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Freemasonry > Imago_Templi Imago Templi/ Book 5 - III part
by (3943 reads)
FreemasonryThe qualities of the Logoi in the Menorah (Part 1) – ‘In the Form of the Symbol the Truth is revealed’ – The Monochord and the Harmony of the Spheres of the Pythagorean School.

The mind of man is not allowed to understand much of the (spiritual) qualities of the Seven Lives that rule the Solar System, represented in this great Luminary of the Temple. The reason is also that, as we have said before, every symbolism in the Temple is revealed by its exterior form, in the sense that it hides it twice.

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Freemasonry > Imago_Templi Imago Templi/ Book 5 - II part
by (4064 reads)
FreemasonryIn the Archaic and sacerdotal Traditions, the Children of Light are identified with Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Venus, the Sun and the Moon. Pythagoras taught his Disciples that: ‘The Forces are spiritual Entities, Gods that rule the sidereal sky, independently from how the Planets and the Matter are known and intended on Earth...’

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Esotericism_Reading > The initiation to women’s cults in the Mysteries of the ancient world /3
by (3834 reads)
Esotericism ReadingSo far we have talked more about what happened in the Greater Mysteries, neglecting the Lesser Mysteries, mentioning only that perhaps initiates had to stand four tests connected to the elements. A glimmer of light is offered us by the beautiful story of Cupid and Psyche, contained in Apuleius’ Golden Ass.

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Esotericism_Reading > The initiation to women’s cults in the Mysteries of the ancient world /2
by (8118 reads)
Esotericism ReadingLet’s now examine some images found in the Villa dei Misteri in Pompeii, which was used for the initiation of women to Dionysus’ Mysteries. These images will help us study further what we have talked about so far.

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Esotericism_Reading > The initiation to women’s cults in the Mysteries of the ancient world /1
by (4871 reads)
Esotericism ReadingIn the ancient world it was believed that the Isiac, luminous, sapiential and transforming aspect was potentially present in every woman, but that it had to be reawakened through the initiation to Mysteries. Furthermore, initiation to the Mysteries put the neophytes in contact with the powers of fertility and regeneration, through a passage by death and afterlife, as we will see.

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Question&Answer > When to choose to do good
by (3180 reads)
Question & AnswerQ: ...It is very common to want to ‘do good’ or ‘dedicate ourselves to...’ at any cost, even when the person is not asking us that, and it is obvious that he would like to be left alone. But do we really do good? And who for?

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Question&Answer > Forrest Gump and counter-initiation
by (3210 reads)
Question & AnswerDear Athos, unfortunately I share your analysis...The only way I found is this: give Obediences the mutual right to visit. The guest must respect the rules of the hosts...

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Alchemy > A Synthesis of Alchemy
by (4571 reads)
AlchemyThe ancient authors who understood this divine Art veiled spiritual truths using chemical terminology and chemical truths using theological references, so that without the master key of correspondence, ‘as above, so below,’ it is difficult to know where to begin. There are secrets on both sides of the equation...

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