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Question&Answer > From God's humanization to Neo-Darwinism (ESOTERICISM EPISTLES - VI)
by (3504 reads)
Question & AnswerLike in other cosmogonies, even mythological ones, deities worked as mediators between men, of which they showed all characteristics, and a plan unknowable to men. But these forms of abstract and intelligent respect started fading with Hebrew mysticism, when its creator, Moses, humanized the supreme Entity recognized from the start as an impersonal non-Principle and therefore unknowable, animator of the universe from which all is emanated and all returns incorporeal, immaterial, not born, eternal, without an unknowable end or beginning.

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Question&Answer > Skin clothes
by (3517 reads)
Question & Answer...from Genesis, 3/21-24, ‘And the Lord God made for Adam and his wife garments of skins, and clothed them. […] Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from which he was taken.’ […] Could there be a relation with the Masonic apron, which at the beginning was made of skin…?

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Freemasonry > White Freemasonry and initiatory praxis
by (5477 reads)
FreemasonryIn its initiatory meaning White Freemasonry is not only the circumscribed and exoteric associative expression with which it is usually represented. In actual fact, to reach white initiation means to touch an apex of omni-comprehensive, therefore universal, thought whose content annuls any conceptual disparity of form and expression. Therefore initiation is a synthesis of undifferentiated consciousness that arises from a more advanced model of conscience, able to tone down the multitude of mental images used to represent a reality.

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Question&Answer > Thirteen Answers on Magic, Church, Freemasonry and esotericism
by (3554 reads)
Question & Answer1. Q: Is a syncretism between two opposite realities such as Catholicism and magic possible…? 2. Q: We talk about Regular and Accepted Lodges…? 3. Q: There is a problem of costs; a few years ago for joining a Lodge I was asked…? 4. Q: Many people nowadays consider Freemasonry a corrupted Institution…? 5. Q: I am very keen on Initiatory sciences and nowadays what troubles me is the excommunication by the Catholic Church…? 6. Q: I think that only God can say who really owns the Truth…? 7. Q: In these days I am interested in Kremmerzian Hermeticism…? 8. Q: I am against any form of discrimination towards women and vice versa...? 9. Q: I wish for the restart … of the Inter-religious Dialogue between the (Worldwide) Masonic Institution and the Catholic Church …? 10. Q: The Latin Catholic Church claims to have the primacy on the interpretation of the great figure of Christ…? 11. Q: I studied Religious Sciences in a Catholic Institute, I would like to study Initiatory Sciences as well….? 12. Q: I have a great Longing for Knowledge. I am not happy with the usual truths…? 13. Q: I consider you a good Master and I speak to you with pleasure…?

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Question&Answer > Can absolute truth reach man? (ESOTERICISM EPISTLES - V)
by (3592 reads)
Question & AnswerI would like to continue on the myth of ‘absolute truths’. We will start from this to reach the idea of the ‘Bearers of absolute truths’ which for the humankind, incapable on one hand and helpless on the other, are the tragic bearers of ideological cankers. The question ‘if man cannot reach an absolute truth, can this truth reach man?’ originated from your idea that ‘the esoteric part of esotericism is mysticism’. If I am not wrong, mysticism, which many people confuse with the carnal cults of devotion, is the only dimension where in rare cases, truth reaches the conscience of man through the heart.

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Question&Answer > Where did Masonic Solidarity get to? (part 2 - ESOTERICISM EPISTLES - IV)
by (3414 reads)
Question & AnswerIn the century of ‘open society’ where can esotericism be placed, intended as a secret teaching? It is our duty, I think, to wonder if it makes any sense to talk about esotericism ‘today’ or if, on the contrary, we need to focus on new syntheses. Neurosciences and physics of the infinitely small make past ‘secret’ doctrines obsolete; perhaps they still have their charm, also thanks to their intuitions, but they are indeed obsolete… no doubt. In other words, the background where ‘initiatory societies’ operate is very different from that of Pythagoras, of the builders of cathedrals, of Dee and Ashmole, Anderson and so on. We must leave the return to the past to Harry Potter. On the contrary, let’s ask ourselves what it means to be ‘initiates’ in the twenty-first century and what can the Mysteries be.

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Question&Answer > Where did Masonic Solidarity get to? (ESOTERICISM EPISTLES - III)
by (3704 reads)
Question & AnswerIn the last four years I have been (unfortunately in vain) busy looking for interest from many brothers, who have instead shown commitment only for their personal interests, their career and/or economic gains. I can’t find the right words in Italian to express the disappointment in seeing that in our Workshops there have been for years plenty of people who had the only interest of establishing relationships in order to trade them or sell them in the so-called ‘external world’; they would boast having contacts for the purpose of the usual intrigues and business that are spoiling the work of the few coherent people still remaining in Freemasonry. Therefore I propose a debate on the subject: ‘Where did Masonic Solidarity get to?’

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Alchemy_of_Fire > Introduction to esoteric Psychology
by (5367 reads)
Alchemy of FireWe are going to introduce this topic by dividing it into three parts. The first part deals with Elements of esoteric Psychology, followed by a short dissertation on the Science of Rays; finally the enunciation of the main universal Laws. It would be impossible to develop any further study without this introduction to the terms of the subject.

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Question&Answer > Esoteric culture, initiatory culture
by (3412 reads)
Question & Answer…I would like to understand what esoteric culture means…

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Question&Answer > Men and Women in Freemasonry
by (3158 reads)
Question & Answer… I think that Freemasonry as we know it and practice it today, organized in lodges and communions, it’s a product of the English eighteenth century, valid for the time and social classes that practiced it. Is the same structure valid for the twenty-first century man? ...I don’t consider a female Freemasonry impossible, although I don’t think that our rituals are suitable for a female group and should probably be ‘revisited’,…I think that certain symbols and instruments are more appropriate for men than women, but perhaps this opinion can be a prejudice resulting from thirty years of activity in a male Freemasonry. Nevertheless I am quite perplexed about a mixed Freemasonry....

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