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 Biblical Studies > Nature and Origins of Evil in the Hebrew Kabala by (5647 reads) | Here are some notes taken years ago about the Kabala and the origins of evil... Why should we wonder about the nature and origins of evil? Many people state that our need to separate light and shadow, good and evil, is only the result of the blindness that prevents us from seeing the unity hidden behind the apparent game of opposites…
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Alchemy > Face and Mask: tale of a double beheading by (5271 reads) | Mask and Face meet like hostile enemies in a pressing dialogue. The result is a contrast between the search for unity and Truth and the manifold conflicting needs in our hearts. We talk about the function of Tragedy and Mysteries in the ancient world, the Dionysian enthousiasmos opposed to the ‘enthusiasm’ of the masses manipulated by the media. A double beheading is necessary in order to gain the ‘intelligence of the heart’…
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Quattuor_Coronati > Introduction to the Rituals of the Symbolic Degrees by (5372 reads) | Short essay on the history of Freemasonry – Genealogic Tree of Freemasonry – On Masonic Morale
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Eastern_Esotericism > Indra, the «Yoga of synthesis» by (4665 reads) | A new Group is being created; they will develop a new ‘yoga’, with schools that will gradually replace both Raja and Bhakti Yoga.
The ‘Yoga of synthesis’ hasn’t been described yet.
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Alchemy_of_Fire > Physical and subtle identity by (3394 reads) | The mystery of life is to know who we really are; we can discover it by re-building our subtle identity.
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Question&Answer > Questions about Freemasonry by (3097 reads) | What is Freemasonry? What are the goals of Freemasonry? Who can belong to Freemasonry? Is Freemasonry a secret association? Can Freemasonry be considered a religion? To my knowledge there are a ‘female’ and a ‘male’ Freemasonry; is this because the rites are different for men and women? Can Freemasonry be considered the same as a political party? Do Masonic Lodges commit sacrilegious acts? What are the reasons for such a hostile attitude from the Roman Church towards Freemasonry, which we don’t see in any other creed?
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Biblical Studies > The five Seals of the Apocalypse by (6098 reads) | The opening of a seal is a revelation. The opening of the seven seals that secure the divine scroll is the progressive revelation of God’s Plan to the Church.
Each of the seven revelations belong to the Church of the time when it was given, but for the latest members of the Body of Christ represented by the Apostle John, they are all in front of their eyes, in a global vision of the Revelation of Jesus Christ to the Saints, because, as the pastor Russell says: ‘The teachings of the past should never be forgotten.’
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Quattuor_Coronati > Etymology of the titles in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite by (4838 reads) | A quick reference to check the origins of titles used by Freemasonry.
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Art&Esotericism > Education to see by (4719 reads) | I don’t believe into supremacy of the knowledge belonging to the old times. I recognize that some of ‘Them’ were able to point out paths whose accesses (mind and conscience) would be difficult to find today, because of the pile of ideologies covering them. The sequence of development of knowledge advanced with time, developing the original ideas, enriching them with new details and multiplying their relations. In actual fact they were made bigger and deeper. Generally speaking, though, we can’t deny the extraordinary ability of the human being to get ‘mixed up’ in his own words.
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Alchemy_of_Fire > From reason to Pure Reason, evolutionary process of mind and conscience by (3352 reads) | The differences between reason and Pure reason have always intrigued intellectuals, originating discussions that led to a conclusion: reason and Pure reason are the start and finish of the same evolutionary process that involves mind and conscience. Mental development and expansion of conscience start in the reason, freeing themselves from the ties of the physical-animal nature. Therefore the conscious self (the rough Stone of the Masonic catechism) doesn’t recognize itself anymore in the instincts of the lower nature, which it tries and controls.
Crisis of the spiritual development by Roberto Assagioli
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