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 Freemasonry > Lost_Sacralization The lost Sacralization – Part 4 by (3957 reads) | Big groups of profane culture unrelated to the technical and scientific field use an imprecise terminology that leads to confusion. Esotericism tries and respects the originality and the characteristics of each reality it gets in relation with, by taking care of the property of words and the exactness of meanings. Esotericism is a method of research used to distinguish the different aspects of abstract concepts such as appearance and essence, viz. interior or exterior, active or passive.
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Freemasonry > Lost_Sacralization The Lost Sacralization – Part 6 by (3733 reads) | The keystone of every structure, even profane ones, is the ideal at the center of it; this ideal is usually resumed in a motto or in the synthesis of a word. Many imaginary thoughts took a utopian form. Some of them remained on a level of abstraction and became ideals; others materialized in a project.
Every human project is utopia to start with; the person who perceives it has to turn it into reality. Only inability, inconsistency or carelessness allow utopia to remain an ideal or unrealized form.
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MysteriesOfBuilders > The Pillars of the Temple by (7010 reads) | The Mysteries of the Masons /8
“Walking between black and white” is an old precept. But what is its practical meaning?
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Freemasonry > Three occult sides of the Temple by (3541 reads) | If the adept is not looking for vain appearance but for initiatory coherence, he will have to learn to act unusually and the key word is transcending. In order to achieve a considerable initiatory ability, he must be able to transcend the symbolic shadow and go from the exterior Temple, which is the fulcrum of symbolic Freemasonry, to the inner Temple, which is the basis of White Freemasonry.
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Biblical Studies > The Ten Commandments by (4912 reads) | Comparison between the original version of the Decalogue according the Old Testament and the Catholic Church’s version
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Esotericism_Reading > Solomon’s scales of justice by (5636 reads) | Before we study a symbol of ancient wisdom, we should consider that it is not easy to establish exactly who created it first. The study is even more difficult if we consider that every symbol of ancient wisdom is layered with exoteric implications given by the ‘formal meanings’ added during the time after their creation. These implications are characterized by the promiscuous uses of exoteric cultures that have hidden the original meaning of the symbol.
Therefore the Adept knows too well that the symbol is not an image of culture but the clue of an old idea.
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Question&Answer > What is the purpose of the word? by (3088 reads) | …does the re-awakening to a new life occur only after having lived and overcome the nigredo, operation that ‘kills’ personality, ego and pride?
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Freemasonry > Analogy with a living symbol – the Way of the Salmon by (3668 reads) | Old Commentaries often use metaphors of animals to express particular abilities.
The Lion is an example; it is used to symbolize the boldness and the fighting courage.
Some Masters have veiled important teachings in images, using animals such as the Elephant, the Tortoise, the Eagle, the Tiger, the Seagull, the Gazelle, etc.
In this tradition the image of the Salmon indicates the man who ‘searches’; like the others, it veils the sense of the initiatory postulate.
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Freemasonry > An instrument of initiatory research by (3173 reads) | Freemasonry is a precious instrument of initiatory research for those who want to overcome the barrier of its formal and exoteric aspects.
Although Freemasonry is not the only mysteric source of the West, it is certainly the most significant container of symbolic representations available to the researcher. It is a complex of ancient and archaic initiatory fragments that, between past and present, build a wisdom bridge for a tradition flowing from the East to the West.
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Esotericism_Reading > Functions of a Master by (3262 reads) | The teaching is necessary. It can be of different levels depending on the ability to interact of the apprentice and the master (empathy bridge called ‘mental synchrony’). The roles are indispensable. The ability of the apprentice is not to carry out orders (he is not a dog to be trained) but to ask the right questions; when the master answers them he can transmit his teaching and therefore himself.
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