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Esonet.com – Selected Esotericism readings is a think tank qualified to analyze the movements of conscience linked to mysterial, mystic and devotional traditions...

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Alchemy_of_Fire > How to use the fire of the earth
by (3260 reads)
Alchemy of Fire

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Alchemy_of_Fire > From knowledge to mental liberation, stage 14
by (2984 reads)
Alchemy of FireThe mirages of the sensual way – The symbolic maze – Exhibition and narcissism – Self-destruction – Mental inconsistency – Inner blindness –Symbology of the Middle Way – Appendix: Metaphors on the individualization of the species. Kingdom of sorrow and pleasure, the astral conscience is hell on earth. The sensuality that goes with it is more than just practicing sex in different forms and for different purposes. It is more than giving and receiving pleasure in many senses, more than the wish to generate in order to replicate ourselves. Sensuality is a painful process of growth, always hovering between good propositions, longings and selfishness. The sensual way is the metaphor of the fascination that the physical mind causes and suffers. It is the matrix of deceits, which without it wouldn’t exist, it is the ‘art of deceiving’ especially ourselves.

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Alchemy_of_Fire > From knowledge to mental liberation, stage 14
by (3030 reads)
Alchemy of FireThe mirages of the sensual way – The symbolic maze – Exhibition and narcissism – Self-destruction – Mental inconsistency – Inner blindness –Symbology of the Middle Way – Appendix: Metaphors on the individualization of the species. Kingdom of sorrow and pleasure, the astral conscience is hell on earth. The sensuality that goes with it is more than just practicing sex in different forms and for different purposes. It is more than giving and receiving pleasure in many senses, more than the wish to generate in order to replicate ourselves. Sensuality is a painful process of growth, always hovering between good propositions, longings and selfishness. The sensual way is the metaphor of the fascination that the physical mind causes and suffers. It is the matrix of deceits, which without it wouldn’t exist, it is the ‘art of deceiving’ especially ourselves.

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Alchemy_of_Fire > From knowledge to mental liberation, stage 13
by (2884 reads)
Alchemy of FireAstral conscience lives on its dreams; it falls in love with them and it becomes their center. Common egocentrism and generalized egoism originate from the idea of centrality. These aspects increase the wish for supremacy of big and small interests and monopolies of economical, political and religious power.

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Alchemy_of_Fire > From knowledge to mental liberation, stage 12
by (3115 reads)
Alchemy of FireWhilst the mind thinks, conscience makes it aware of thinking. Without conscience, the mind wouldn’t realize that it is thinking. On the other hand, attention affects the conscience and mental concentration expands the boundaries of knowledge. Therefore the interaction between mind and conscience is very important to develop wider areas of consciousness.

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Alchemy_of_Fire > From knowledge to mental liberation, stage 11
by (3373 reads)
Alchemy of Fire«Evil dims the Truth like dust dims the light on a mirror »; «Cosmic Evil is the matter, namely the condensation of the spiritual energy». One of the main aspects of esoterical research is the interpretation of symbols and allegories. Evil as well is an old allegory; it exists, but not in the forms which it is represented with. It is the great antagonist of Good; all philosophical and religious doctrine originated from the conflict between light and shadow.

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Alchemy_of_Fire > From knowledge to mental liberation, stage 10
by (3215 reads)
Alchemy of FireAstral plane and anthropocentrism – Astral personalities – Anthropocentrism – The man at the center of the world – Effects of the word (meanings and tones). The astral plane is characterized by impetuous and unsteady motions; it is symbolized by the water element (see waters of chaos, sea of illusion). It derives from the earth element and it originates watery emotions and seducing passion, which often lead man into uncontrollable situations (see the myth of Ulysses: the sorceress Circe seduced men and turned them into pigs; the enchanting sirens in the metaphor of the narrow passage of temptations placed between Scylla and Charybdis)

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Alchemy_of_Fire > From knowledge to mental liberation, stage 9
by (3638 reads)
Alchemy of FireThe living athanor – The principle of living ethics – Man’s components – Subsidiary athanors – Mental athanor – Dreams reveal the physical mind – Mind and superior mind. Alchemy studies the energy of the matter. Spiritual Alchemy studies the subtle energy of Man. The alchemist transforms the substance of matter. The spiritual alchemist transforms the substance by attracting subtle energy

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Alchemy_of_Fire > From knowledge to mental liberation, stage 8
by (3060 reads)
Alchemy of FireTo accelerate events is a sign of inexperience; the inexperienced man plans to build the roof of his philosophic home before providing for steady foundations and solid walls. To know means to understand; it is therefore silly to think that we can penetrate the subtle dimension only with the help of reason. Since the mind lies to itself first of all, the first thing to do is to understand the dangers of illusion.

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Alchemy_of_Fire > From knowledge to mental liberation, stage 7
by (3126 reads)
Alchemy of FireThe most significant step for personal progress is to acknowledge that we know nothing (nothing substantial). To discover that we don’t know is the flash of intelligence that prepares us to welcome all that is new and unknown with modesty. On the contrary, to be satisfied with what we know is the anteroom of intellectual sleep. The people who don’t feel curious for the new and different, or don’t feel inside them the drive towards harmony and beauty, think that to perfect themselves is a chore that they can’t face.

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