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 Freemasonry > Imago_Templi Imago Templi / Book II - 2nd part by (5214 reads) | The Labyrinth in the esoteric tradition – The squaring of the Temple
On the horizontal plane of ‘Chaos’ the Reason, deceived by its own senses, has to cross a Mental Plane that appears to it Real and Infinite, but that is in actual fact the result of its own deceit and delusion. This moment is known by Tradition as the Labyrinth; in the inner life of the Apprentice it marks the passage from his own Floor, of personal and separating understanding, to the Floor of the Temple, where, thanks to Systems and Guides, the paths become regular and understandable, true Paths of Initiatory Science.
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Freemasonry > Transmut_of_metals On metallic transmutation / 2 by (5699 reads) | The symbol of the sword – From the reality of Principles to the mirage of opinions – Transformation and Transmutation –
Initiatory modesty – Intellectual speculation – Flaming pentalpha
The initiatory principles of Freemasonry are universal, timeless, unchangeable and in their synthesis they lead to the sensitive contact with the Great Architect. But if those Principles are not known or applied,
the adept will reflect only his own personal qualities or characteristics of Freemasonry. It happens, then, that one believes that there are several types of Freemasonry, such as symbolic, speculative, ritual, initiatory, esoteric and exoteric, manifested and occult; in actual fact this is the result of a mirage.
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Esotericism_Reading > On Thought-Forms by (3880 reads) | In this article we will talk about the elusive and paradoxical entities known as ‘Thought-forms’. Science can’t deal with them because they can’t be the object of experimental verification and it is not possible to deal with this topic from a purely intellectual point of view. Only the people who carry out a radical work on themselves can ask themselves if thought-forms really exist. We will analyze the relation between thought-forms, ‘subtle’ bodies of man and prime Matter of the Alchemists; we will talk about the nature of maggots, shells and other invisible entities that man can feed or even equip with their own life through his psychic energies and finally, we will deal with the thought-forms created by a community of men, which are called Eggregore.
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Eastern_Esotericism > Groundlessness of the assumption of punishment and sanction by (4150 reads) | ‘Evil’ is the reversal of truth, beauty and fairness. But, although reversed, evil has a trace of truth, fairness and beauty that it has distorted. They can be restored if the spark of truth, beauty and fairness is vivified so that, in the fragment of evil, it could prevail again.
The vivification of the spark held in every form of life is the sense of the consecration of elements.
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Question&Answer > Reversal of roles in modern Freemasonry by (3426 reads) | "In all honesty I haven’t found satisfactory answers, if the goal is real initiation, which for me means ‘rebirth’, new man, loss of metals, at least partially. On the other hand, if the aim is more culture, the Masonic journey is fine, but it is not my main goal. Now I see in the various Masonic associations an almost generalized tendency to pure speculation and I wonder: will Freemasonry be able to give the necessary instruments to build the new man?"
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Question&Answer > The symbol of the mirror by (3523 reads) | «The Essence is only revealed in the form of the predisposition of the individual that receives such revelation and nothing different ever happens. Therefore the subject that receives the essential revelation will only see his own ‘form’ in the mirror of God; he won’t see God, it is impossible for him to see Him, although he knows that he can’t see his ‘form’ other than through the divine mirror. This is completely similar to what happens in a material mirror: if you contemplate forms, you don’t see the mirror but you know that you can see the forms or your own form only thanks to the mirror. Therefore God is the mirror where you can see yourself, likewise you are His mirror where He contemplates His Names. Well, they are nothing but Himself.» - Ibn al ‘Arabî
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Question&Answer > The Friars Major by (3230 reads) | …in the indefiniteness between myth and history of an Order like the Rose & Cross, I don’t understand if the latter has influenced Freemasonry and what is the esoteric sense of this alleged link?
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Esotericism_Reading > On the symbolic meaning of some tarot cards by (4232 reads) | After a short introduction to the history and mythological origins of the Tarot, we will briefly discuss the alchemic meaning of some cards of the Major arcana: the Magician, the Fool, the Lovers and Death.
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Freemasonry > Masonic_Instructions If we are the Order, it must be within us by (3817 reads) | The Order within us – Know Thyself – Approaching the small initiation – The energy in the microcosmic pentalpha
When we talk about the Order, we assume that we are the Order, most of the times taking it for granted. But if we are the Order, it must be within us. If we become aware that we already are the ‘system’ but we don’t acknowledge it, the conflict remains. The ‘system’ in its various levels already exists inside us; we must just acknowledge it through the instruction and there is no point in activating it because it is already active.
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Freemasonry > Transmut_of_metals On metallic transmutation / 1 by (4049 reads) | Introduction – [Ancient Tradition of Mysteries] – The three-fold essence of man – The being to transform and transmute – [Illustrious Brother – Human Law]
The Calendar of our planetary Logos (the meaning of Logos is: eternity of the Sound, Verbum of the mystics) moves through a four-cycle Rhythm (the four Great seasons of the Planet). Hermeticists call these cycles Ages of Gold, Silver, Bronze and Iron. In actual fact these are symbolic names given to rhythmical motions of the planetary energy, which we can resume in ‘tension, emersion, crisis, immersion’. These cycles-rhythms are the same that cadence the life of the Triad-Man, which is the most qualified element of manifestation of the Logos.
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