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 Question&Answer > Welcoming instead of refusing by (3187 reads) | …we host endless sub-personalities, sometimes made of many other sub-personalities (personally I have known only some of them)… how to exclude all the others?
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Question&Answer > Unknown truths by (3444 reads) | Why the existence of a unique truth and a unique Hierarchy are not accompanied by a unique ‘practical’ teaching? What are differences caused by? Which is the most efficient and useful way to Serve in this painful season for the Humankind?
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Esotericism_Reading > Esotericism and alimentary praxis by (3187 reads) | Esoterically the human being is made by mineral substance, animal substance, psychic substance and spiritual substance.
The nourishment that feeds the physical body contains characteristics and radiations of the birthplace that, once absorbed, stabilize in the cells and determine their organic-emotional characteristics.
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Esotericism_Reading > Listening, Seeing, Thinking – the first initiatory virtues by (2941 reads) | It is necessary to discover which instruments are contained in the Case of the Great Architect of the Universe, as the perennial Teaching tells us.
This Case and its instruments are the real touchstone for the Apprentice Master.
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Freemasonry > Compendium for the Master Tiler - Masonic rules for tiling by (3524 reads) | These notes have been written to avoid the loss of the experiences developed during the tilers' courses held during the 1978-79 and 1980-81 at the Order in Turin, Italy. This compendium doesn't claim to resolve all the aspects of tiling but to highlight its most relevant features, since tiling is one of the most important ‘operative' functions of Freemasonry towards the profane world. In particular, if an unsuitable or undeserving postulant is admitted by mistake, this has repercussions on the Institution.
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Esotericism_Reading > Esoteric Teachings in Catholic Cathedrals by (6049 reads) | Gothic cathedrals are an excellent example of hiding in plain sight. The cathedrals, with their “spiritual architecture”, where gravity is seemingly overcome by the flying buttresses externally, and where walls through architecture seem dissolve into light to allow the visible manifestation of the power of god to penetrate the building as it penetrates the soul... These buildings seem to defy gravity, great masses of stone soaring upward, yet seemingly as light as air, giving us a psychological lift from earth-like mind to heaven-like mind.
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Freemasonry > The Carpet by (3446 reads) | Can therefore an oriental carpet deliver a secret, esoteric message to whoever is able to receive it? My answer is affirmative and, on the other hand, “the wind blows wherever it pleases”
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Freemasonry > Orientations and Perambulations by (3208 reads) | To orientate, or to orient, means to face or turn to the east, to the rising sun, thus receiving light and heat, that were, especially in ancient times, the primary source of energy. So, men used to orient themselves to face the east, the sun, in order to receive energy and then balance it inwardly.
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Freemasonry > Chain of Union by (6124 reads) | Freemasonry is a “Peculiar Morality, veiled in allusion and illustrated by symbols.” Of course, there are many types of symbols, there are visual symbols, pictures, oral symbols, which primarily make up speech, and demonstrated or enacted symbols. The Chain of Union is an “enacted” symbol, that is, a rite by gesture.
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Esotericism_Reading > Pompeii by (3257 reads) | In Pompeii, in the Architects' House, there is a particular mosaic, the photography of which is often shown in Masonic texts. It was the emblem in the floor of the Triclinium and man thinks that the naturalistic representation of the skull and of the mason's tools is an allegoric reference to the lapsing of the human life and the looming death. In my opinion, however, the tile conceals a deeper mean-ing. I strove to find it and I want, therefore, to share with you my thoughts.
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