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Esonet.com – Selected Esotericism readings is a think tank qualified to analyze the movements of conscience linked to mysterial, mystic and devotional traditions...

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Esotericism_Reading > Genesis and evolution of the theosophical current in the European culture
by (4571 reads)
Esotericism ReadingTheosophy has often been associated with the almost homonym Theosophical Society of Madame Blavatsky, H. S. Olcott and Besant. Contrary to popular belief, though, theosophy is a current of the European esotericism that originated from Paracelsianism; it developed mainly, but not only, in Germanic countries. Although theosophists elaborated heterogeneous and varied systems, they shared some benchmarks. In this article the author intends to present the development of Christian theosophy at the debut of the T. S.

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Question&Answer > The ‘absolute truth' in man's dimension and the power of the word
by (3314 reads)
Question & Answer«My attention and reflection is indeed captured by another statement of yours: the human ability to link the word ‘true' to something. Who can define the quality of a ‘true' thing in such absolute terms and in what measure?»

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Freemasonry > The Bible on the Masonic Altar and the Menorah on the Altar
by (7758 reads)
FreemasonryThe Masonic oath is a psycho-dramatic representation aimed at ‘impressing’ the neophyte’s mind. But there is nothing religious about this oath. The presence of the Bible is purely symbolical. Furthermore, it is wrong to consider it as a Catholic book.

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Esotericism_Reading > New Esonet Project
by (7867 reads)
Esotericism ReadingThe Esonet Project originated from the idea of a Tree of small knowledge able to lead esotericism back to the condition of intellectualism necessary to bring back the principles of initiatory science.We knew the symbolic meaning of the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life. The former was the metaphor of intellectual development, whilst the latter represented inner research.

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Freemasonry > To erect temples to virtue and dig dungeons for vices
by (4213 reads)
FreemasonryThe Mason is told over and over again ‘to erect temples to virtue and dig dungeons for vices’.The gist of this metaphor is the invitation to ‘work for the benefit of the humankind by digging dungeons for ignorance’, which is the greatest vice of the man who opposes light...

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Esotericism_Reading > The Sense of Life, the sense of Existence
by (3431 reads)
Esotericism ReadingFloods of words have been spent on the sense of life. I will only spare a few drops, to say that the sense of life doesn't exist....

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Esotericism_Reading > Modern Occultism between Éliphas Lévi and Aleister Crowley
by (7706 reads)
Esotericism ReadingApparently the French term occultisme was used for the first time by Éliphas Lévi; apart from the nominal problem, though, the tradition of ‘occult sciences' has its roots at the beginning of Christianity. Previous to Lévi's neologism there wasn't a clear distinction, even terminological, with what Guénon later defined the domain of ‘esotericism' or ‘initiation'....

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Freemasonry > Ritual acts and initiatory reality
by (3322 reads)
FreemasonryThe inner Order which the Mason works for is the only ‘instrument’ able to generate a superior and common order expressed by the term ‘Universal Freemasonry’. It is a ‘Brotherly chorda’ made of links pulsating with hearts and minds.

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Freemasonry > The Tree of Knowledge
by (4098 reads)
Freemasonry«Those who have brought ‘Light’ to the humankind have paid their idealism dearly. The symbol of these heroes is Prometheus.» The flame of knowledge revives intelligence and it is a source of creativity.

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Freemasonry > ThreeMagisterialArts Ars Muratoria - «Architectonic tables» of the Great Builders
by (6563 reads)
FreemasonryThe work of art is the symbol of the artist; the sacred Work is the symbol of great Builders. Among the great works, perhaps architecture is the Art which has best represented sacredness; it has built spaces where purity of forms has inspired thinkers, artists and ordinary people.

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