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 Question&Answer > The 'Trial of Fire' by (3312 reads) | Q: …May I ask you to describe the ‘Trial of Fire’ in detail? Thank you. R.
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Question&Answer > Motor disability and Freemasonry by (3552 reads) | ...Basically ... I think I understand that there are two ‘souls’ in Freemasonry: a ‘worldly’ ... and an ‘esoterical’ one...
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Esotericism_Reading > The magic of ephemeralness by (3270 reads) | I would like to broaden the boundaries of the frequent pseudo-scientific or pseudo-initiatory inconsistencies that so often we face and ... rule out.
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Question&Answer > Qualifying one's own thought by (3163 reads) | Q: Perhaps our inner journey is carried out inside the heart (Heart = Soul = Sun) and not in the head (Brain = Spirit = Moon)?
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Eastern_Esotericism > Talking about the Soul /2 by (4110 reads) | Definition of the Soul - What is the Soul? Can we define it? What is its Nature? - The Christ within - Manifestation of the Subjective Aspect in Man
When humanity is assured of divinity and of immortality, and has entered into a state of knowledge as to the nature of the soul and of the kingdom in which that soul functions, its attitude to daily life and to current affairs will undergo such a transformation that we shall verily and indeed see the emergence of a new heaven and a new earth.
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Esotericism_Reading > Communication is the art of building by (3136 reads) | Communication is the art of building images that reflect ideas. We must not make the mistake of trying to ‘bring the sky on earth’, rather than us going up towards it, otherwise we risk the ‘old evil’ of making ideas profane.
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Alchemy_of_Fire > Great_Book_of_Nature The Law of Synthesis by (4799 reads) | The first of the cosmic laws is the Law of Synthesis. It is almost impossible for those of us who have not the buddhic faculty in any way developed, to comprehend the scope of this law. It is the law that demonstrates the fact that all things - abstract and concrete - exist as one
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Art&Esotericism > Roerich's far quest for Beauty by (4584 reads) | The greatest tribute of our time to an individual living artist, we are told, is the proposed erection of a new home for the Roerich Museum in New York City, a $2,000,000 studio apartment building on Riverside Drive, to house the growing treasures created or collected by Nicholas Roerich, who, to quote a recent criticism, "has been termed, quite justly, the foremost living Russian painter."
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Freemasonry > Imago_Templi Imago Templi / Book V by (4557 reads) | The Inviolability of the Ceremonial Mystery – The Esoteric Symbology of the Candle – Ritual Fires – The Menorah – The Planets of the Menorah
Following our observations in the previous chapter, we should get used to consider, in all the aspects that make all Ceremonials in every Rite or belief, the presence of the apparent ambivalence of white and black, sacred and profane, as an effect of man’s manipulation on the elements that determine, through the desired goals, the pole of quality in its exterior manifestation.
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Esotericism_Reading >
Use_of_languages The confusion of minor languages by (3487 reads) | ‘Restoring’ the originality of initiatory topics, extracting them from ‘doctrinal confusion’ and ‘philosophical conflicts’ of minor traditions, means being able to ‘travel backwards’ towards the world of causes, neglecting the world of effects. This is the journey that the researcher must complete.
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Use_of_languages) |
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