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 Question&Answer > Castel del Monte, an energy-point by (3378 reads) | Q : I cannot but confirm the impressions mentioned previously: i) As soon as I saw the shape of the octagon from the distance I stopped and stared at it for some time – totally attracted by something I cannot describe with words; ii) It is obvious that in eight centuries nobody has built anything nearby – the octagon stands out clearly and isolated; iii) The octagon has not been built as a living space, therefore it is not a castle, etc…; it is a Philosopher's Dwelling, a place non-place where one can be engrossed in meditation.
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Freemasonry > Imago_Templi Imago Templi / Book III - 2nd part by (3844 reads) | The Chain of Unification – Method for the construction of a Chain of Unification – The Chain of Unification, universal symbol and sign of science
The Chain of Unification cannot be but Universal; it is made of elements that are certainly not just the mere physical or ‘political’ presence of the Mason.
Accepting the assumption of the Universal reality of the Chain, we might consider the Communions that make it as its links, although they are often broken by profane and anti-initiatory interests of managers inadequate to their own duties and to recognize and gather the needs of the Order and of the Brothers that ‘constitute it’.
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Question&Answer > Debts and credits of the ‘many ourselves’ by (3494 reads) | The fact that language can be complex and affected or simple and within the reach of people who don’t know Italian very well, is something that concerns knowledge, notions, school. In other words, it is at the level of brain and reason, whilst Knowledge and Wisdom can be found in people who can’t even read. There are many examples of illiterate Wise men. Doesn’t the use of an ‘educated language’ risk the exclusion of people on the basis of their knowledge of Italian?
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Science&Esotericism > Odorigen and Jiva by (5121 reads) | Professor Yaeger of Stuttgart has made a very interesting study of the sense of smell. He starts from the fact well known in medical jurisprudence, that the blood of an animal when treated by sulphuric, or indeed by any other decomposing acid, smells like the animal itself to which it belongs...
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Question&Answer > Diversity and Synthesis of initiatory systems by (3341 reads) | Q : ... therefore can we somehow reach initiation leaving aside the belonging to any esoteric organization, through the achievement of an inner consciousness that transcends doctrines and rituals, or do we need to pursue a method once reached this status?
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Freemasonry > Imago_Templi Imago Templi / Book III - 1st part by (4412 reads) | The Universality of the Masonic Temple – The Love Knot of the Masonic temple – The Love Knot, symbolic expression of the Energetic Knot.
Let’s take a first step in understanding the Universality of the Masonic Temple, in the past as well as in the present, as a Container of the Initiatory Tradition and then understanding the Universality of the ‘Universal Freemasonry’ towards a future of Illuminated Minds. In this chapter we will take the chance to highlight an ‘intermediate historical point’, that is not distant from the western present of the researcher but also not far away from its origins, which rise farther East and back in Time.
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Freemasonry > Transmut_of_metals On metallic transmutation / 4 by (5042 reads) | The criteria of the Work of Transmutation – Recognition and disownment – [Spirit, Spiritual, Spirituality] – From identification to synthesis – [Sublimation and Synthesis] – [Vertical Telepathy] – The Power of the Snake – [Yoga]
The criteria of the Work of Transmutation from a personal and profane identity to the initiatory one can be expressed in 6 key words. They are respectively: recognition – disownment – identification – transmutation – sublimation – synthesis.
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Question&Answer > Who needs ‘Pied Pipers’? by (3450 reads) | Q: The Catholic Church has spread news of its condemnation of the New Age movement through the Press ....
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Freemasonry > Imago_Templi Imago Templi / Book II by (5980 reads) | The space that marks the Masonic Temple off is divided by three rectangular perimeters. The first of the three rectangles is symbolical and it is the Lodge Picture; the second, energetic, is emanated from the Squaring of the Temple created by the Brothers and re-absorbed at their Ritual exit. Finally, the third is represented by the physical form of the Temple.
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Question&Answer > The Heart of the world by (3443 reads) | According to Guénon's writings (but not only them…) it is obvious, from his point of view, the existence of a ‘primordial tradition'. […] I think that primordial tradition exists and it has a meaning in the initiatory journey of those who want to free themselves. I don't think that this belief is in contrast with scientific laws and discoveries.
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