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Esotericism_Reading > Esotericism reading The Way of the Fool – metaphor of the self-initiation by (3268 reads) | For the esotericist the Fool is a Lama of the Tarots (Lamas of the God Toth, conceptually far away from the common game of tarots); the meanings belonging to this card are quite different from the literal ones....
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Alchemy_of_Fire > Mental Alchemy Aura. Hell and Heaven on Earth by (3763 reads) | To learn to know ourselves means to acknowledge that our own inner reality is not unique, but it is made of a complex of different aspects placed one inside the other, like chinese boxes. To discover them means to travel inside our identity, going through the different aspects of the physical substance, up to perceive the features of the metaphysical essence...
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Esotericism_Reading > Esotericism reading Magic squares by (3516 reads) | Apollonius of Tyana taught how a magic Square, if it is well done, gathers energy becoming a powerful talisman. For Pythagoras, Ficino, Paracelsus and many others the use of magic Squares could also be therapeutic and goes back to the old times of the Mysteries of Osiris, when the relationship between Number-Sound-Color was already known.
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Esotericism_Reading > Esotericism reading Reading is not enough to understand by (2970 reads) | «To educate» for the initiate means most of all to exteriorize the meanings hidden by words. To read, indeed, is not enough to understand “how to do it and why”. Simple divulging is not enough to understand the practical side of the teaching. The task of divulging is merely to report ideas rather than to reveal them to the eyes of the mind.
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Freemasonry > Secret Freemasonry The system of the three Circles by (2766 reads) | Meritocracy as the only element for selection and advancement. The idea of a system for advancement based on three circles (or sensitivity levels) is not an invention, but a method of selection based on recognition used by the oldest initiatory schools.
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Esotericism_Reading > Esotericism reading The Hermit – symbol of inner search by (3514 reads) | The Hermit proceeds on his way with the help of his instruments. He goes along the inner path in the search for the light of the truth that he will receive from the soul. By looking for the soul, the Hermit will find Himself: he will then reach the resolution of the initiatory Teaching.
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Art&Esotericism > Art & Esotericism Art and artistic action in everyday life by (3183 reads) | Many people experience the feeling that a work of art channels and irradiates the energies, the love for the work, the goals, the intentions and intuitions of the artist.
It is as if these elements were kept in the work of art; whoever is in tune with it can perceive its vibrations. From this apparently ordinary experience was born this short reflection on the sense of art and the energy it symbolizes and evokes, purifying its debris; it can infuse praxis and effectiveness in those who can transmute them.
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Alchemy_of_Fire > Mental Alchemy From the aura of the universe to the individual aura by (3068 reads) | "what is above is what is below". No other precept could be more suitable to the argument of this essay, in which we illustrate the affinity between the great aura of the universe and the aura of man.
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