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 Science&Esotericism > Study on the role of leader by (4867 reads) | The purpose of this article is to inspire a reflection on the idea of group, cohesion and in particular of work group, highlighting the positive aspects and interpersonal dynamics that it expresses. Cooperation and group work are a priority in many organizations. Working as a group is not always easy; it can be difficult to start with, but it pays back because it leads to success for everyone.
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Freemasonry > ‘To die as oneself’, the highest virtue of an initiate by (3074 reads) | Before we can talk about initiatory virtues we should explain what initiation and initiatory identity are.
There are different opinions on initiation. Some are symbolic; they last the time of a ceremony and only require the physical presence of the postulant. Some are integral, slow and complex, because they imply the transformation of the being, who ‘dies as himself’.
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Question&Answer > Regularity, Freemasonry and utopia by (3188 reads) | When I read the question: “what does initiatory regularity mean?” something inside me answers that from an esoteric point of view, initiatory regularity is not recognition on paper, but the adherence to universal principles.
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Alchemy_of_Fire > Between East and West. Pain and inner growth by (3781 reads) | Painful experiences can help revise our behaviors. If everything that hurts, grieves and scares us, therefore it repels us, than the escape from mistakes is a source of education.
In order to correct and educate ourselves we must develop intelligence and critical sense.
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Esotericism_Reading > A principle of reciprocity links man and the universe by (3156 reads) | There is a principle of reciprocity that links man to the planet and the universe and vice versa. It has always been thought that the universe was part of man and the latter was a living atom of the universe.
The participation starts from his aura which, through the planetary aura, absorbs the solar energy it needs. Man takes his nourishment from the planetary substance, transforming the food in physical and mental energy, which he uses to concretize himself and the mental and physical form that he uses to act.
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Freemasonry > The Chamber of Reflection by (32906 reads) | The Chamber of Reflection is one of Freemasonry's most alluring, thought provoking and truly esoteric symbols. The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite (AASR) prescribes the profane, before being initiated, should enter a special room which is called Chamber of Reflection (CoR) where they will contemplate why they have chosen to embark on the Masonic path, their life, their past, and their future.
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Question&Answer > Opening the eyes of intelligence by (3071 reads) | …what I would like to say is how often the ‘closed systems’ you talk about are only apparently closed; … if texts considered sacred are accepted in a literal sense and without criticism they become ‘dogmas’, but when we interpret them in different ways do they open doors belonging to the Initiatory Tradition?
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Biblical Studies > The Ten Commandments by (4655 reads) | Comparison between the original version of the Decalogue according the Old Testament and the version of the Catholic Church.
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Freemasonry > Rings of Strength by (3709 reads) | The mental strength of a man becomes a ring of strength that, by joining with other rings, makes an energetic chain whose combination of strength and quality equals the sum of the rings. The similitude in this instance is very important; a different mental intensity prevents the rings from communicating and makes the strength of will, mind and conscience intransmissible. If the rings are compatible, on the other hand, the chain is strong and its energy can build an eggregore.
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Alchemy_of_Fire > Mental totems by (3722 reads) | Collective idols are models culturally experienced and traditions socially shared.
The demolition of the cultural and ideological totems that keep man stuck in conformism and hypocrisy is strictly connected to the subject of purification and mental liberation.
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