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------| Inconsistency of virtual initiations || Imago Templi / 6.20 || The Journey through the Great Work /3.2 || The Journey through the Great Work /3.1 || Anamnesis of the inner reawakening || Imago Templi / 6.19 || Imago Templi / 6.18 || Carry the Teaching to the crossroad! || The Warrior unchanged in joy and in suffering |------
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Esonet.com – Selected Esotericism readings is a think tank qualified to analyze the movements of conscience linked to mysterial, mystic and devotional traditions...

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Freemasonry > Masonic_Instructions Seven Wheels of Energy
by (4072 reads)
FreemasonryRays of relation – The position of the Lodge Picture – The Sephirot in the Temple – The activation of the system – Recognizing the triplicity of everything – The development of triplicity in the Temple

In this article we will consider the energetic relations inside the Lodge.
In the geometry of the Lodge there are several triangles made of lines of energy that determine some relations, in other words, some rays of relation.

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Eastern_Esotericism > Talking about the Soul /1
by (4282 reads)
Eastern Esotericism ReadingThe Constitution of Man - The fact of the Soul - Some synonyms for the “Soul” - Recognition of the Soul

We shall, from the outset, accept the fact of the soul. We shall not consider the arguments for or against the hypothesis of there being a soul - universal, cosmic, and divine, or individual and human. For our purposes of discussion, the soul exists, and its intrinsic reality is assumed, as a basic and proven principle. Those who do not admit this assumption can, however, study the book from the angle of a temporarily accepted hypothesis, and thus seek to gather those analogies and indications which may substantiate the point of view.

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Question&Answer > On initiatory conscience
by (3168 reads)
Question & AnswerSome questions arise spontaneously. Must Reawakening be intended as the growth and strengthening of human abilities? Or is it to be intended as a reawakening of supernatural abilities?

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Question&Answer > What do you want to become?
by (3671 reads)
Question & AnswerQ: After winter comes spring; likewise after death comes life. It is a continuous cycle that will last forever! The end will be the same as the beginning, because there is no end and no beginning, there is no first or last, the future will reach in the past...

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Freemasonry > Transmut_of_metals On Metallic transmutation / 7
by (4507 reads)
FreemasonryThe Principle of identification and mental repolarization – The Mirror, one of Bacchus’ Toys – [The Bridge] – On the meaning of the Masonic Secret – The Secret in the sphere of the Initiate – The symbol of the Speculum in the Masonic Ceremonial – [Saturn ‘the Planet of Trials’]

The Mysteries are in actual fact the source of true ‘revelation’ and only when the mind and the will for good are intimately joined and affect the conscience, the extension of the future revelation is understood. Only then these secrets will be entrusted to the Humankind. They relate to the ability to put the Brothers in the position to consciously operate with the energies of the planet and of the Solar System (Diamagnetism) in order to control the forces inside the planet.

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Question&Answer > Forced chastity and absence of attribute
by (4680 reads)
Question & AnswerQ: Why is chastity recommended for the spiritual journey, so much so that in the Church it becomes the rule of celibacy?

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Esotericism_Reading > Love and Death
by (3382 reads)
Esotericism ReadingLove is always a beginning, whilst death is the accomplishment of an instant. It is a goal but also a life phenomenon that produces the ‘change’. It is a transformation against which we often fight without any other meaning but the fear to get lost.

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Question&Answer > By recognizing you will be recognized
by (3700 reads)
Question & AnswerQ: It has been said that the rule ‘By recognizing you will be recognized’... ‘must be understood for what it is, not for what we would like to see in it’...and also that ‘in the initiatory field we never choose, but we are always chosen’. These two statements appear to be in contrast...is it possible to tear the veil and let a better understanding come through?

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Question&Answer > Being able to Choose
by (3442 reads)
Question & Answer...from today I feel less lonely, your words encouraged and urged me to continue my journey...I would like to ask you another question: what do you mean by expert guide to point out the ‘goodness’ of our thoughts...or rather, where can we find a suitable person? ...I have just approached esotericism but I have already realized that there are people who don’t even know its true meaning, actual ‘charlatans’ or frauds...and I really wouldn’t like to meet ‘one’ of them....

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Esotericism_Reading > Eclecticism against the ties of sciolism
by (4395 reads)
Esotericism ReadingEverybody knows the limits of sciolism and the advantages of eclecticism in the field of research. Without involving initiatory and spiritual eclecticism, the intellectual one is a philosophical method that consists of welcoming and reconciling theories of different systems that express the same topic, consciously structuring them with the purpose of widening the idea at the basis of the different theories or interpretations.

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