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 Freemasonry > UniversalFreemasonry Esoterical Landmarks by (3058 reads) | Many modern traditions preserve the memory of “old precepts”. Nevertheless, they have narrowed their concepts to suit them to the modern society’s culture. This didn’t happen in the past because profane and initiatory cultures were kept separated and they could meet only through scientific principles. This essay reproposes the reading of some “old precepts”disguised as esoterical landmarks and aphorisms. At the end we add a specific form for admission.
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Freemasonry > UniversalFreemasonry Discovering oneself through symbols by (3156 reads) | The difference between the esotericist and the collector of enigmatic quotations is that the latter can actually understand the use of this matter. No matter if it’s a methaphor, a symbol, an alchemical formula, a geometrical form, a number, a sound or a colour, the esotericist learns its meaning but also its use.....
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Eastern_Esotericism > Agni Yoga Arjuna, human Icon of the Path of Action by (3287 reads) | The man who is able to build himself and his life, according to a discipline which is invisible from the outside, is called to the Yoga of Fire. He co-operates with far-off worlds and is able to understand the fundaments of evolution. The main characteristic of the School of the “Red Dresses” is the lighting of the fires of knowledge, which allows their Disciples to interact with the more subtle energies and to develop, in this way, the direct-knowledge and the “knowledge through contact” with the Soul.
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Freemasonry > UniversalFreemasonry Initiatory history of Freemasonry by (3432 reads) | The author takes us on a journey which goes from the operative Masonry to the esoterical meanings of Ars Muratoria, Ars Regia and Ars Pontificia. From the reading of ancient manuscripts other considerations, of a more pragmatic nature, can also be derived. One of them is that in history causes do not always coincide with events. Sometimes, therefore, causes and facts are contradictory. This seems to happen in Freemasonry, where many practices given out as a fact turn out to be unfounded. When we read the ancient main points of the Freemasonry, the so-called primitive, we find the rules that directed the life of the Freemason in his professional, initiatory and family relationships. In other words, the rules that connected children and wives of the master mason to the Brotherhood of the Freemasons. In the rules between the family and the Freemasonry we find a forgotten aspect. It is what we can call the initiatory consideration for women.
Female initiation, even though is acknowledged in ancient manuscripts, is still cause of contradictions and it feeds a religious misogyny which contradicts the origins of Freemasonry. The Freemason will make his own judgement on its value.
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MysteriesOfBuilders > UniversalFreemasonry Arcane symbols – The Hexagram and the sephirothic scale by (6186 reads) | The Mysteries of the Masons /7
As for any other arcane, the interpretation of this sign depends upon the intuitiveness of the observer, in conformity with a scale of priorities like the one we mention on the first page of this work, formulated by Dante.
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MysteriesOfBuilders > UniversalFreemasonry Arcane symbols – The Pentalpha and the 5 Kingdoms of Nature by (5513 reads) | The Mysteries of the Masons /6
" ...all religions and sciences reconnect to a single Science, always hidden to the common multitude and transmitted from epoch to epoch, from Initiated to initiated, under the veil of tales and symbols. And this is also true for the legends that the Master Masons placed in the lesser catechisms." - Eliphas Levi
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MysteriesOfBuilders > UniversalFreemasonry The Three Columns of the sephirothic System by (5186 reads) | The Mysteries of the Masons /5
The structure of the symbol is supported by three Columns. The one on the left is the Column of passive nature, while the one on the right is of active nature and in the middle there is the spiritual one.
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MysteriesOfBuilders > UniversalFreemasonry The symbolic universes by (4787 reads) | The Mysteries of the Masons /4
According to the sephirothic mysticism every universe of conscience is the extension of the first sephiroth, Kether, which pours out its own vital essence to the lower levels, until Malkuth is created, which is the "earthly exile" of the spiritual conscience. Nevertheless, the materialized conscience preserves part of the primitive sensitiveness. So much that gets the impulse to go back to the first emanation, Kether, and re-join its own main identity.
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MysteriesOfBuilders > UniversalFreemasonry The mysticism of the Sephirothic Tree by (6267 reads) | The Mysteries of the Masons /3
The Tree of Life is the methaphor of the "fall" of the divine spirit in the material world (see the vision that God gave to Jacob, of the ladder where angelic entities were descending on earth and ascending to heaven).
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