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------| Inconsistency of virtual initiations || Imago Templi / 6.20 || The Journey through the Great Work /3.2 || The Journey through the Great Work /3.1 || Anamnesis of the inner reawakening || Imago Templi / 6.19 || Imago Templi / 6.18 || Carry the Teaching to the crossroad! || The Warrior unchanged in joy and in suffering |------
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Esonet.com – Selected Esotericism readings is a think tank qualified to analyze the movements of conscience linked to mysterial, mystic and devotional traditions...

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MysteriesOfBuilders > UniversalFreemasonry The Great "Books of Stone"
by (4508 reads)
Mysteries of the BuildersThe Mysteries of the Masons /1

The author illustrates the link (bridge) between the invisible geometries of Cathedrals and the “Royal Secret” of the Master Masons. This is an “initiatory Secret” that once again backs up the spiritual identity of mankind. This essay focuses on the ideas of the Master Masons, architects and initiated who conceived the meaning of the shapes of the Temples, distinguishing them from the mythologies of their labourers. In this way they separated the initiatory essence of the Builders of the great stone products from the imaginary of the people who manually constructed them.

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Freemasonry > UniversalFreemasonry Esotericism of the 4 Journeys in the Masonic Initiation
by (3875 reads)
FreemasonryEsonet Conference 2003: First Meeting

The “journey” is the metaphor of a way to the “search” for truth or sacredness. The “journey” is always accompanied by two other symbols: the first is the walk, path or way; the second is the traveller or pilgrim. The journey can be exoteric or esoteric and the difference between them is perfectly clear. In the exoteric journey the pilgrim physically moves from one place to another with the aim of seeing, touching or pounding tangibly the material representation of his own ideal. Whereas in the esoteric journey the traveller doesn’t physically move but pushes himself towards perfection or consecration. He remains in the same place because it’s not his body which needs to move but his conscience, his mind and his spirit. This is the meaning of the “initiatory journey” that, on the contrary of the profane journey, occurs completely inside the Noble Traveller.

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Freemasonry > ThreeMagisterialArts The two faces of Masonry
by (3596 reads)
FreemasonryWhy isn’t the true initiate scared of death? Why doesn’t he acknowledge its irreversibility? Because through three initiatory Arts, Ars Muratoria, Ars Regia and Ars Pontificia, the adept reaches and understands the immortal spirit of his interior aspects.

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Freemasonry > UniversalFreemasonry The Revelation of Initiatory Mysteries
by (3201 reads)
FreemasonryEsoterism often regards mysteries and secrets of different nature which are unveiled or re-veiled (veiled twice). Amongst these we find Greater and Lesser mysteries. We know that the «lesser mysteries» are the fundaments of initiatory culture and they are handed down in the shape of knowledge or esoteric precepts through several teaching formulas. Little is said, on the contrary, about the Greater Mysteries and it is not clear how they are handed down. In this essay we try to clarify it and to point out what they are referred to.

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Freemasonry > UniversalFreemasonry Knowing the states of crisis
by (2871 reads)
FreemasonryDuring the long journey of life we have to face several states of crisis. The most distressing ones are those of the "pain of life" and the "struggle for existence". This essay deals with the evolution of the inner growth through the phenomenon so called " state of crisis". We point out the conscientious mechanisms of acceptance or refusal to change oneself, starting from the cosmogonic perspective that reflects on the man’s dimension. We try and suggest how to consciously decide of your own destiny.

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Question&Answer > UniversalFreemasonry Questions about Freemasonry
by (2831 reads)
Question & AnswerEven though a number of questions about Freemasonry have already been debated, they deserve to be examined more in depth...

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Freemasonry > UniversalFreemasonry The ritual Laver (the sacred Washing)
by (3228 reads)
FreemasonryIs there a way to “purify oneself” from the blemish of sins? There is, according to western mystic and mysteriosophical traditions. In oriental tradition, as well, it is possible to ‘wash’ the chakras from the karmic negativeness. Of course methods vary from a current of thought to another, because of their cultural difference, religious views and intimistic tendency. In spite of all, though, it’s easy to distinguish between the various exoteric methods (external and symbolic) and the esoteric one (inner and effective). This essay outlines the two methods of the “ritual laver”(sacred washing). The former is an exoteric baptism which can be repeated every time it is necessary. Therefore every day and also many times a day. It uses the water element to encourage an induced visualisation to ‘purify’ the energetic centres of the astral body. The latter is an initiatory baptism. In this the Adept uses the catalyzing power of the fire element to induce a direct visualisation which, through the use of inner light, burns the dross of the ethereal body.

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Freemasonry > UniversalFreemasonry From ''half light'' to ''full light''
by (3085 reads)
FreemasonryUsually the ritual statement "from the half Light to the full Light" is considered a symbolic expression lacking in operative value. This is not true. The meanings of this ritual statement are, as a matter of fact, so true and attainable that in this short essay they are summarized and pointed out in a scale of practical and operating priorities and values.

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