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Freemasonry > Masonic_Instructions The esotericism of certain Masonic jewels and paraments
by (5488 reads)
FreemasonryThe Secretary – The Master of Ceremonies – Gloves and Apron (the importance of colors) – The Seven Liberal Arts

It will be useful to make some considerations on the tasks that the Secretary (Secr.) carries out in his Lodge Activity, which are known to every Br. The first divine scribe of the Temple, which is not known to our western culture (from Persians up till now), is the God Thoth, the divine Scribe of the Gods. On an operative level the Secr. is receptive inside the Temple, whilst outside he is its messenger; Thoth was the messenger of Gods, the Secr. is the messenger of the will of the Lodge, which is synthesized in the figure of the W.M. or the Three Lights.

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Question&Answer > Transmutation of the sexual energy
by (3841 reads)
Question & AnswerQ: In carrying out the Great Work, if an individual, during various cycles of manifestations, is able to accomplish the first and most difficult part, and by following the ‘humid path' he gets in contact ‘by attraction' with a soul that has achieved the second part of the work by following the ‘dry path', can they re-join the two flames of the Athanor by meeting sexually? And ‘fix' everything? This is a question that I was asked and that I could only answer through intuition, since I don't have any experience on the subject. What do you think? Can a ‘Sacred' sexual act between two Divine sparks actually re-join the Great Flame?

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Question&Answer > Religious Dogma, the prison of the soul
by (3502 reads)
Question & Answer‘Jesus Christ tells his disciples, that is yesterday’s Church as well as today’s: ‘Who listens to you listens to me, who despises you despises me as well. And who despises me despises he who sent me’. Esq. Mr. Altomonte, by despising the Church, you despise God. Why do you do it? …the Catholic Church is…at the same time a divine and a human society…’

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Freemasonry > Transmut_of_metals On metallic transmutation / 3
by (4524 reads)
FreemasonryThe Middle Chamber – [Osiris and Isis] – [Symbology of the number Seven] – From speculation to fulfillment – [Layman, Mason, Initiate] – The symbol-words AUM and OM – ‘He of whom nothing can be said’ – [Coincidence of opposites]

The Middle Chamber, like the half-Light, shows a precise level of Human Initiation, viz. the level of Reason and Logics, which in the allegory is situated between the Forces of Darkness (ignorance and profane error) and the Power of Light (initiatory Wisdom); the latter is represented by the figure of the Master of all Masters, Hiram. He is the living symbol of the initiatory spirituality addressed to the Humankind, in order to stimulate and accelerate its progress in the evolutionary line.

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Esotericism_Reading > How to find the world of spiritual thought
by (3615 reads)
Esotericism ReadingEnthusiasm is an appreciable virtue, especially when it is accompanied by sincerity in the intentions. Sincerity is what matters. With sincerity we can do almost anything. Any mistake is acceptable if it is made with sincerity. What is not acceptable is the arrogance of false scholars. It is essential not to stop asking questions. By joining enthusiasm with patience we can get anywhere we wish.

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Art&Esotericism > Use_of_languages The Beauty in the eyes
by (4761 reads)
Art & EsotericismAn objective truth or reality (Kant’s ding an sich) is based on three requirements: Fairness, Beauty and Harmony. The architectonics of the Idea originates from this One but Trine order. And only the Idea expresses the rest.

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Alchemy_of_Fire > Vertical telepathy
by (5217 reads)
Alchemy of FireThe term horizontal telepathy describes the mental contact between two individual psychic elements, viz. two different people; by vertical telepathy we mean the phenomenon of integration (inner communication) between the psychic element immersed in the physiology of the brain (the conscience of the personal self, also called lower ego) and its metaphysical counterpart, viz. the part of the same conscience free from the limits of corporal senses, viz. the super-conscience of the soul that expresses itself in the densest planes below through the Ego.

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Question&Answer > The dimensions of appearance
by (3805 reads)
Question & AnswerQ : ...Orientals talk about several bodies, such as physical, double ethereal, astral, mental and spiritual. The soul is not considered; is it perhaps identified with the astral body?

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Alchemy_of_Fire > Great_Book_of_Nature Law of Economy
by (5130 reads)
Alchemy of FireThe third cosmic law is the Law of Economy, the law that adapts in the most advantageous way and with minimal waste of force all that concerns the material and spiritual evolution of the cosmos. It makes every atom of time and eternal period perfect; it brings everything forward, upward and through with minimal effort, with the right adaptation of balance and the right frequency of rhythm.

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Freemasonry > Esotericism of the Masonic Apron
by (6274 reads)
FreemasonryThe most impressive detail for the imagination of the brothers Masons is the apron they wear as a distinctive sign and an initiatory symbol of Freemasonry in its three degrees of abilities, qualities and virtues. The Apron of Art, therefore, is a historical element of the ‘operative’ tradition which, with the advent of speculative Freemasonry, took the value of initiatory symbol.

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