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------| Inconsistency of virtual initiations || Imago Templi / 6.20 || The Journey through the Great Work /3.2 || The Journey through the Great Work /3.1 || Anamnesis of the inner reawakening || Imago Templi / 6.19 || Imago Templi / 6.18 || Carry the Teaching to the crossroad! || The Warrior unchanged in joy and in suffering |------
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Esotericism_Reading > Words and dreams on the initiatory Path
by (3889 reads)
Esotericism ReadingThis article has been inspired by the impulses that often tie up candidates in the fondness for their ideals. The ideal, then, assumes the characteristics of a Totem. Therefore the totemic vision is the most common deceit of the candidate, who is left alone to direct his emotional impulses; in actual fact he keeps vivifying his personal self, gratifying it in its convictions.

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Question&Answer > Bad use of the Word
by (3305 reads)
Question & Answer[..] Dear Athos, when you say you believe that evil is ‘only an invention of man', which ‘part' of man are you thinking of? You say: ‘evil as we know it'... what do you mean?

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Question&Answer > Hedonism and initiation
by (3280 reads)
Question & Answer[…] Who is alone belongs to himself ...

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Esotericism_Reading > Phaistos disc - A new interpretative approach
by (3768 reads)
Esotericism ReadingIn the old continent the most ancient document containing symbols of a very old martial or sacerdotal-martial initiatory tradition (according to some authorsthe so-called ‘chivalrous path' of the initiatory journey) is undoubtedly preserved in the Archaeological Museum of Herakleion; it is the Phaistos Disc, finding of a prestigious Italian archaeological mission at the beginning of the twentieth century.

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Esotericism_Reading > Bataille, Nietzschean mystic of the eternal return
by (3878 reads)
Esotericism ReadingAlmost all French philosophers always tried to read Nietzsche in parallel with Sade, not only along the axis Freud-Marx. The will to power and the superman are well connected with the transgressive subjectivism – ratiocentric or psychotic-oneiric – of the French libertine. There isn’t such a good connection with the Eternal Return, which is apparently a break in the Nietzschean thought. At least until Bataille; he builds his Nietzschean reading on what has been an element of difficult harmonization with the rest of the thought of the German philosopher.

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Question&Answer > The power of silence
by (3433 reads)
Question & Answer...I don’t understand at all the concept of Masonic tolerance [...] where does Masonic tolerance start and where does it end, and what does it mean exactly? How to apply it materially? How to avoid looking like a ‘fool’, since nowadays in actual fact to be tolerant means to be a fool or a goody-goody and the only result is that the person on the receiving end thinks that he can easily abuse you?

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Question&Answer > Educate and not punish oneself
by (3296 reads)
Question & Answer…how much does the nature of the material body limit the communion with the spirit…?

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Alchemy > Jung, scholar of esoteric doctrines and alchemic tradition
by (8848 reads)
AlchemyIn this work the Author boldly elaborates on the Jungian interpretation of Zozimos of Panopolis’ writings, in particular the Peri Aretes; he refers to the fundamental interaction between alchemy and psychoanalysis studied by C. G. Jung. According to the latter Alchemy and psychology are linked by mutually fertile hermeneutic interactions. In particular, the Peri aretes and the visions of Zosimos are the subject of his Alchemical studies. The Author enriches this study by introducing the alchemic tradition in the different western historical-cultural contexts and by comparing them to the postulates of Indian and Chinese tradition. The study is particularly relevant because it explains the occult meaning of many archetypes of the individual and collective oneiric dimension. It is very useful to understand the inexhaustible millenary research on the real alchemic dimension.

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Freemasonry > Masonic_religiosity Biblical origins of the term Landmarks
by (4017 reads)
FreemasonryWe have already discussed at length about the link that joins religion and Freemasonry with catechisms, numbers and symbols. The concept itself of ‘Landmarks', an apparently ‘true British' expression, has biblical origins, therefore Hebrew, like most of the main Masonic and religious symbols in the West.

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Esotericism_Reading > Derrida and the essence of the ''female-truth''
by (3571 reads)
Esotericism Reading On the contrary of other French philosophers, Jacques Derrida was influenced more by Heidegger than by Nietzsche. Derrida laid the bases for his deconstructionist analysis on the rocky Heideggerian meditations, re-interpreting the ontological referent of the German philosopher’s thought: the being.

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