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 Hidden_History > The Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem by (5496 reads) | Following the thread of documents, we reach the conclusion that not all of the Templar Order was dissolved. Many warrior-monks entered the high ranks of other Orders, in Scotland and Spain, where they continued standing out for they courage and loyalty. Others, it is said, found hospitality in the Confraternities of Freemasons, where they continued erecting Churches and Cathedrals. Since the knights templars were ordained monks, some could return in the shadow of monasticism. The re-joining of the Templars to the monastic Order obtained a Bull of acknowledgment from the pope who succeeded to Clement V, the one who wanted their dispersion . According to the author of the essay, though, the transformation of the ‘Ordo Templi' ( Order of the Temples ) didn't stop; it led to the intimate mysticism that originated the Rosicrucian Confraternity.
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Alchemy_of_Fire > The Egg of Columbus and the initiatory path by (3539 reads) | Misunderstandings and misdeeds of a mind that lies – To want to fly – The Egg of Columbus of the initiatory path.
The best quality in man is the creative experience he has and he can transmit. It starts from the desire for knowledge, which is only partly satisfied by books; indeed, formal reading doesn’t reach the deep meanings of which we only perceive the presence (root meanings and archetypes). This limit is the boundary between learning and knowing, between abstract sciolism and direct experience, practice and experiment.
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Freemasonry > Freemasonry’s occult anatomy by (3813 reads) | Many people discuss about separations and initiatory diversity. They forget that when these events occur in supposedly brotherly environment, it means that something is wrong. The initiatory principles that enlighten the spirit of Freemasonry can’t be responsible for the separation of some masons; therefore we must look for the reasons elsewhere. It could be due to human error or to exoterical conditions and rules. This problem doesn’t concern only Freemasonry, though.
If we follow the principles of an occult but likely ‘anatomy’ we will find the head as the center of command, which judges, decides, acts, communicates but most of all produces thoughts.
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Esotericism_Reading > “Mouth-Ear”, metaphor of how to teach by asking questions by (3075 reads) | The method of asking questions in order to induce answers offer extraordinary occasions to discover the relations between man (ourselves) and the universal Man (Adam Kadmon).
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Esotericism_Reading > The Cross by (3427 reads) | In my opinion the cross as a symbol explains the mystery of the divinity as diversity in the unity far better than any other. However, either for tradition or for mental laziness, it has always been indissolubly connected to Christianity. On the contrary, the cross is a very old symbol; it was discovered among archaeological finds of the Neolithic age. We can also mention the Egyptian ankh, the Tibetan swastika and the Aztec cross of Tlaloc, all prior to the Christian era. The same symbol, then, can be found in different times and socio-cultural contexts with analogous or sometimes identical meanings. This fact stirs up deep emotions and invites us not to identify the cross with Christianity; the limits of any particular religion, whatever its dignity, appear to be cramped before the Infinite.
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Alchemy_of_Fire > Man is what he knows and he becomes what he thinks (astral phantoms) by (3437 reads) | Man is thought and the thought is Man. This gives the postulate that ‘Man is what he knows and he becomes what he thinks.’
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Esotericism_Reading > Philosophia by (3079 reads) | By studying the symbol of Philosophia, I gained the following teaching: Freemasonry’s aim consists essentially in reaching balance.
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Question&Answer > What is a Master by (3666 reads) | …what does it mean to rouse a master’s interest? Isn’t the (western) pupil who chooses his master?
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Art&Esotericism >
Use_of_languages Use of the pictorial language by (4910 reads) | With the progress of literal languages, the meanings of ideograms (symbols-thoughts) were forgotten and symbols became silent. All that was left was their exterior forms, whose meanings remained within the principles of initiatory science.
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Freemasonry > Lost_Sacralization The lost Sacralization – Part 2 by (3220 reads) | The Lion and the Tiger – Esoteric value of two of the Symbolic Animals.
The (lesser) Mysteries of modern Freemasonry are the exoteric manifestation of ancient mysteriosophical Schools that, in the East and then in the West, have descended amongst men to bring the sense of their initiatory ideas.
These ideas are in today’s Freemasonry less imperfect than those of their Adepts, which indeed pursue with tenacious imperfection their own inner perfection through Freemasonry.
Before seeking Ritual and initiatory perfection, it is necessary to face honestly and courageously a theme that appears laic and profane, where it is expressed perhaps one of the main imperfections of the present initiatory system. We must raise the ambiguity of the alleged universality that is in fact only partially true.
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