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------| Inconsistency of virtual initiations || Imago Templi / 6.20 || The Journey through the Great Work /3.2 || The Journey through the Great Work /3.1 || Anamnesis of the inner reawakening || Imago Templi / 6.19 || Imago Templi / 6.18 || Carry the Teaching to the crossroad! || The Warrior unchanged in joy and in suffering |------
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Art&Esotericism > Use_of_languages Evolution of the formal language
by (3788 reads)
Art & EsotericismIt is certain that one of the characteristics of human language is that it transforms as time goes by; to follow its historical changes, though, is not sufficient to set up a definitive study. Psychology is not enough either to establish the historical principles of language.

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Art&Esotericism > Use_of_languages Initiatory languages
by (3378 reads)
Art & Esotericism« …there was, we were told, in every country deserving to be called civilized, an esoterical Doctrine, a system called Wisdom and those who dedicated themselves to its study and its teaching were called Wise men…»

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Esotericism_Reading > Use_of_languages Symbolic language and initiatory growth
by (3491 reads)
Esotericism ReadingSymbolism in general and Masonic in particular, reaches us from a distantly ancient past; or, at least, this is what is continuously underlined in initiatory schools. Here, though, it is not a matter of believing or not to the fundamental precept of symbolic ancientness. Beyond any historical or scientific consideration, symbolism obviously appears very old.

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Esotericism_Reading > Esotericism reading Understanding the service
by (2875 reads)
Esotericism ReadingService (for humankind’s benefit) originates by initiatory cooperation, but what is its characteristic?

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Eastern_Esotericism > Teosophy Secret Instructions to Probators of an Esoteric Occult School - IIb
by (3612 reads)
Eastern Esotericism ReadingThe “Secret Instructions To Probators” is a book of teachings that between 1889-1890 H. P. Blavatsky wrote for the “inner Circle” of the Theosophical Society, also known as the “Occult School”. The teachings that we find here are exclusive and reserved to the Disciples on the “Probation’s Path”. Instruction no. II-b

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Eastern_Esotericism > Teosophy Secret Instructions to Probators of an Esoteric Occult School - IIa
by (3414 reads)
Eastern Esotericism ReadingThe “Secret Instructions To Probators” is a book of teachings that between 1889-1890 H. P. Blavatsky wrote for the “inner Circle” of the Theosophical Society, also known as the “Occult School”. The teachings that we find here are exclusive and reserved to the Disciples on the “Probation’s Path”. Instruction no. II-a

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Eastern_Esotericism > Teosophy Secret Instructions to Probators of an Esoteric Occult School - I
by (16968 reads)
Eastern Esotericism ReadingThe “Secret Instructions To Probators” is a book of teachings that between 1889-1890 H. P. Blavatsky wrote for the “inner Circle” of the Theosophical Society, also known as the “Occult School”. The teachings that we find here are exclusive and reserved to the Disciples on the “Probation’s Path”. Instruction no. I.

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Art&Esotericism > Use_of_languages Esotericism of the languages of Art, harmony and beauty
by (5565 reads)
Art & EsotericismEverybody has experienced a flash of intuitiveness in his life, even if at a low level. It is what we call to understand without knowing why. Thinkers, artists, scientists and observers have had the flash of intuitiveness that enlightened them with a sense of beauty and harmony.

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Eastern_Esotericism > Agni Yoga A short introduction to Agni Yoga
by (3223 reads)
Eastern Esotericism ReadingThe Agni Yoga (literally “Union with the Fire”) is the most advanced of the Yogas divulged by the White Lamasery.

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Hidden_History > Hidden History The Templar Diaspora, up to the confraternity of the Rose Cross
by (10481 reads)
Hidden HistoryFollowing the thread of documents, we reach the conclusion that not all of the Templar Order was dissolved. Many warrior-monks entered the high ranks of other Orders, in Scotland and Spain, where they continued standing out for they courage and loyalty. Others, it is said, found hospitality in the Confraternities of Freemasons, where they continued erecting Churches and Cathedrals. Since the knights templars were ordained monks, some could return in the shadow of monasticism. The re-joining of the Templars to the monastic Order obtained a Bull of acknowledgment from the pope who succeeded to Clement V, the one who wanted their dispersion . According to the author of the essay, though, the transformation of the ‘Ordo Templi' (Order of the Temple) didn't stop; it led to the intimate mysticism that originated the Rosicrucian Confraternity.

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