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 Question&Answer > Theosophy and thereabouts by (3547 reads) | ...you might talk about theosophy and its founders: Blawatsky, Leadbeater, Besant ....
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Question&Answer > Mechanism of Knowledge by (3545 reads) | Q: Is it fair to say that we must remember, rather than declare, that we must change and that the ‘memory of Self’ will bring the change (the alchemic gold is already inside us, only covered by a layer of dirt: the mind...)?
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Freemasonry > Imago_Templi Imago Templi - Book I by (4857 reads) | The Chamber of Reflection – The Fittings – The Room of lost steps – Astrological references in the Chamber of Reflection
This is the second of the six works that I consider necessary to propose in order for the Mason Brother to access the higher or Mystery Initiations, not only symbolically but also for the Light acquired through his knowledge and the ability to use the instruments hidden in the Tradition of the Order of the Temple.
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Question&Answer > Death: process of liberation and re-unification by (3744 reads) | [...] I have a question... we should consider if the ‘restitution to the universal’ occurs with the full awareness of the being in question or…this individual life crumbles and forms another life…I hope this question is not out of place or banal.
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Freemasonry > Masonic_Instructions The hexagram and the development of the triangles by (4885 reads) | The hexagram is an ancient symbol also known as ‘King Solomon’s Clavicles’; it is a seal that opens many doors, more that we can imagine.
In the two overlapping triangles we recognize the synthetic symbol of a transcendent reality. There are many keys to its interpretation, and this is true for every symbol.
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Alchemy_of_Fire > Fundamental Laws by (5428 reads) | The seven Laws of Soul and Group Life – Definition of Law
After introducing the Esoteric Psychology and the Science of the Rays, we will briefly review the main Laws that guide the inner universe of the Disciple. At first this review might look like a boring as well as useless academic exposition; the young scholar shouldn’t be tempted to 'skip over'. The Laws that we will list are the Fundaments for all those who aspire to Initiation, but not only that; Masters often refer to them when dealing with their subjects, therefore they are always an important reference and for the moment even reading their names will give the young scholar certain advantages. As well as have an idea of what they are, he will be able to see their links; even only thinking about their names will give useful information.
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Question&Answer > Jesus and the moral precepts by (3567 reads) | Q: What is the esoteric meaning of Christ’s statement: ‘Shall the last be first and the first last’? Does the Karmic interpretation give a satisfactory answer? Are there any other interpretations? Thank you.
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Esotericism_Reading > The duty to ''Aspire'' by (3744 reads) | To follow the Path of the Disciple is not an opinion but a series of facts. Therefore it is not the intention of Esonet Project to lower the intellectual level of what has been transmitted by the initiatory tradition that ‘brings together West and East’. Indeed, to diminish the contents of the initiatory teaching reduces its meanings to the simple ‘chronicle’ of an esotericism that becomes another ‘practice of consumption’ of mass commercialization.
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Alchemy_of_Fire > The Science of the Rays by (5636 reads) | The parts of initiatory Teaching dedicated to the ‘Science of the Rays’ and to the exposition of the natural and cosmic ‘Laws’ will gain more value up to becoming a necessary instrument of reference, with the investigation of the esoteric studies in the whole and useful to understand the Work of the Masters of the Hierarchy that act on each of these seven energetic channels.
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Question&Answer > Relationship between Catholicism and Freemasonry by (5576 reads) | I would like to know what the relationship between the Catholic Church and Freemasonry is today. Do you think that it is possible to be practicing Catholics and Masons at the same time? I asked this question to a priest and he answered: ‘It’s best to let it go… '.
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