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------| Inconsistency of virtual initiations || Imago Templi / 6.20 || The Journey through the Great Work /3.2 || The Journey through the Great Work /3.1 || Anamnesis of the inner reawakening || Imago Templi / 6.19 || Imago Templi / 6.18 || Carry the Teaching to the crossroad! || The Warrior unchanged in joy and in suffering |------
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Esonet.com – Selected Esotericism readings is a think tank qualified to analyze the movements of conscience linked to mysterial, mystic and devotional traditions...

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Freemasonry > Esotericism between East and West /1
by (3724 reads)
Freemasonry1. Fundamental postulate of the manifesto – 1. Compendium of the Conference – 3. Defining esotericism in order to distinguish it from exoteric practices – 4. Balance and knowledge are the point of junction between science and initiatory science – 5. God is a greater Idea that lives on the ideas he generates – 6. Various ways of intending esotericism – 7. Intuition is the ‘small’ illumination – 8. The Real Bridge – 9. Recognizing the signs of personal hell – 10. From deep meditation to phantasmal enquiry – 11. The sense of life is often occasional – 12. Essentiality of a correct initiatory education – 13. Education, languages and symbols – 14. The true idiom of the esotericist is the symbol – 15. Numbers: an example of emblematic language – 16. The communion of languages – 17. Triads – 18. Mental order

To fulfill the meanings of human symbology means to fulfill the knowledge of Self and this also means to pass the Threshold of greater Initiation.

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Esotericism_Reading > Orgonomy and protective techniques
by (3109 reads)
Esotericism ReadingI would say that this topic is the keystone of the whole initiatory system. If we strip it of the dialectic frills that characterize mysticism, we might compare it to hygiene, which is the essential support for medicine. And this is a true statement, like it is true that orgonomy supports the mental hygiene of the initiate.

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Art&Esotericism > The Light of Asia
by (4394 reads)
Art & EsotericismA small part of the splendid lore which broke from Buddha’s lips: I am a late-come scribe who love the Master and his love of men, and tell this legend, knowing he was wise, but have not wit to speak beyond the books; and time hath blurred their script and ancient sense, which once was new and mighty, moving all.

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Question&Answer > The Dome of Initiation
by (2878 reads)
Question & AnswerI believe that the method for initiatory enquiry of Freemasonry can be summed up by the expression: ‘nosce te ipsum’, written on all our temples...but in knowing ourselves...what prevents a real introspective image is the activity of our ego...which is the first great obstacle. Indeed, V.I.T.R.I.O.L., by rectifying ourselves (heaven knows how many times) we will be able to reach the occult stone...using the plumb line like a line that stabs our ‘skin’...visiting the interiority... if we don’t deconstruct our own mind, we will turn into logorrheic people who, four times a month, meet in a certain place to discuss the sex of angels....

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Question&Answer > The School of Whys
by (3209 reads)
Question & AnswerWe need to ask: who is (or what is) an advanced student? By which criteria we can call him that? What has an ‘advanced’ student done or what ‘mechanisms’ has he started? And if this is the case, what originated them?

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Esotericism_Reading > Initiatory Order and individual anarchy
by (3144 reads)
Esotericism ReadingMonothematic egocentrism and intellectual anarchy are the main problems that afflict and divide the humankind; they separate the sentient being from the inner Path, which brings wellbeing and advantages in the physical form as well. I think that these topics should not be underestimated or rejected, but rather faced by researchers (of truth) with the utmost thorough care.

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Question&Answer > Other principles of esoteric Philosophy
by (3070 reads)
Question & Answer...the superior energetic essence is able to express itself in a physical form: why? …according to which principles does this energy ‘decide' which form to take?

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Question&Answer > The margins of the greater Brothers
by (3036 reads)
Question & AnswerQ: Dear Athos, I would like to analyze thoroughly the meaning of ‘preparation’, ‘the highest possible model’ and ‘the common margins of universality’.

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Eastern_Esotericism > The Coming Avatar of Synthesis /1
by (19298 reads)
Eastern Esotericism ReadingAccording to Master D.K. the reappearance of the Christ, the externalization of the spiritual Hierarchy, and the coming of the Avatar of Synthesis, is the one great Event for which all humanity waits.

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Hidden_History > Nicholas Roerich heads art expedition into central Asia
by (5481 reads)
Hidden HistoryFor the first time in history an explorer into the terrible passes of Central Asia has had as his weapons an easel and brush instead of the implements of a hunter or scientist. Professor Roerich, the world-renowned artist, who is now on an art expedition into Central Asia, has just crossed the passes of Karakorum, Sasser and Kardong, perhaps the most formidable passes in the world.

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